Special Projects - UPDATE
Below are some items on our wish list, that are in need of special patrons.
Larger goals that we do not have associated costs for right now include making the building fully accessible, replacing old carpeting, and air-conditioning to replace existing window units following the restoration of our 1905 windows.
The mission of Munroe Center Stage is to offer the community affordable arts programming. Monthly programs are free, with optional donations. A parallel goal is to offer performing space to local artists, and to remunerate them.
$250 helps to offset performer stipends Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation, with an automated external defibrillator (AED), can more than double a cardiac arrest victim’s chance of survival (AHA 2013). MCA office staff have recently taken the American Red Cross First Aid & CPR Training. We would love to ensure that we are prepared if ever a visitor needs us.
$1200 offsets the cost of an on-site AED We are striving to better connect with the community about what is happening here at MCA, and in the Lexington arts scene. 2018 began our first digital newsletter, which we would like to continue in upcoming years!
$400 helps to offset our newsletter subscriber costs |