Registration open NOW for Summer Camp!
Sign up for our Class/Camp Newsletter for details and special notifications for 2025 programming!
Sign up for our Class/Camp Newsletter for details and special notifications for 2025 programming!
Join us in celebrating over 30 years of summer camp (M-F, 9am - 3pm), held onsite, both indoors and outdoors*.
Campers can enjoy an array of arts-based activities plus recess time! Our summer camp is designed for rising grades K-6.
Campers are grouped by grade, with limited enrollment per group. Activities throughout the camp day typically include ceramics, drawing and painting, performing arts, and mixed media "makerspace".
For younger teens, we are offering multiple weeks of our CIT Program this year. Click here to learn more.
* camp activities will happen indoors in inclement weather such as high winds, thunder, extreme heat, etc.
See a Sample Day Schedule
中国 Chinese language translations available (subject to change)
Visit our Facebook page for photos from previous camps and other programs
Campers can enjoy an array of arts-based activities plus recess time! Our summer camp is designed for rising grades K-6.
Campers are grouped by grade, with limited enrollment per group. Activities throughout the camp day typically include ceramics, drawing and painting, performing arts, and mixed media "makerspace".
For younger teens, we are offering multiple weeks of our CIT Program this year. Click here to learn more.
* camp activities will happen indoors in inclement weather such as high winds, thunder, extreme heat, etc.
See a Sample Day Schedule
中国 Chinese language translations available (subject to change)
Visit our Facebook page for photos from previous camps and other programs
Week 1: Cryptozoology
Week 5: Galaxy
Week 9: Carnival!
Celebrate the end of summer with our annual carnival
August 18 - August 22
The MCA summer arts programming inspires your child's imagination as we have fun creating and exploring in an interdisciplinary arts environment. Each week, a new theme unites ceramics, visual arts, crafting, problem-solving, and more with age appropriate curriculum. Kids make new friends, develop their creativity, and gain confidence through sharing and cooperation. Our staff consists of instructors trained in the arts, and counselors who have an interest in the arts - many of them being former campers! All of our staff are passionate about the arts, summer fun, and safety.
Sign up for our newsletter for camp and class notifications
Summer Camp Policies
Please review our policies below for camp payment, refunds, and required documentation.
Our general policies and covid-19 information can be read online as well. Additional policies, such as procedures for staff/volunteer background checks, are available upon request.
Our general policies and covid-19 information can be read online as well. Additional policies, such as procedures for staff/volunteer background checks, are available upon request.
Summer Camp Health Information [as of 03.2023]
Please know that the policies described here are subject to change should relevant health data in our community change. Our camp complies with the regulations of the MDPH and is licensed by the Lexington Board of Health. Current requirements for recreational camps are in-line with MA School Immunization Requirements.
Please email or call our office if you have any questions! Prospective camp families visiting during the summer (both out of state or country) can reach out directly to the Lexington Board of Health to confirm that their records fulfill requirements for 105 CMR 220 Massachusetts Immunization Requirements for School Entry. COVID-19 Vaccination Status
At this time, MCA Summer Camp does not require COVID-19 vaccination or proof of vaccination status for campers and CITs attending the program. Per internal policies, all staff (admin, instructors, counselors, volunteers) must be fully vaccinated again COVID-19 and able to provide proof of vaccination status before employment/volunteering. |
Required Health Documentation
As a recreational day camp program, all participants are required to submit health documentation before attending. As of the 2025 season, health information is due by May 1st and must be received before the camper's first day. MCA staff reserve the right to send camp families away if they have not provided the necessary records. When completing the registration process, parent / guardian(s) must upload a recent physical, specifically documentation with immunization records. Any health documentation submitted must be dated within 18 months to the start of camp (June 2025) and with the physician's signature. For security purposes, we cannot receive medical documents by email to staff - only uploaded digitally within the registration system portal; in the event of technical issues, hard copies delivered to our office will be accepted. |
Summer Camp Payment Information
Registration for vacation camp programming is made on a first-come, first-served basis. Spaces are held until May 1st, with a 25% deposit required for EACH WEEK registered. "Early bird" pricing is available for registrations completed before this deadline.
As of the 2025 season, families that have not paid before May 1st will be automatically charged on the same form of payment as the original deposit. If registering on/after May 1st, no deposits are accepted and payment will be due in full for all registered weeks. Requests to transfer to a different week of camp is at the discretion of the MCA Programming Director and Camp Manager based on availability. Transfers will not be considered unless written notice is received, ideally two weeks or more in advance of the desired week of camp. A student may register for additional weeks or from the waitlist if there is space and a separate, full payment is made. |
Note: Pricing discounts are available during registration when signing up multiple campers in your family and/or registering for multiple weeks of camp (3+). Adding a camp week or sibling later in the season will allow you to opt into these discounts, if applicable, by alerting staff. Conversely, cancelling a camp week may affect the refund amount if campers/weeks then go below the minimum thresholds for discounts. |
Camp Refund Policy
Participants have access to the newly offered feature of self-cancellation which is available alongside the 25% deposit from January to May 1st. This is accessible directly through ActiveNetwork account.
Any registration change requests from May 1st on must be submitted in writing to programming staff. Cancellation requests MUST be processed during regular business hours and cannot be accepted after 12PM on the Friday before the respective camp week. A request to cancel registration should also specify for the refund to be returned to the original form of payment OR received as credits for future registrations.
Participants have access to the newly offered feature of self-cancellation which is available alongside the 25% deposit from January to May 1st. This is accessible directly through ActiveNetwork account.
Any registration change requests from May 1st on must be submitted in writing to programming staff. Cancellation requests MUST be processed during regular business hours and cannot be accepted after 12PM on the Friday before the respective camp week. A request to cancel registration should also specify for the refund to be returned to the original form of payment OR received as credits for future registrations.
- Full refund - A full refund will be given for registration cancellations that occur more than two weeks prior to the start of the earliest camp week (excluding 5% registration processing fee). 25% deposits are also refundable (excl. 5%) if cancelled BEFORE May 1st.
- Partial Refund - A 50% refund will be given for registration cancellations that occur on a business day (M-F) within two weeks to the start of the earliest camp week (excluding 5% registration processing fee). Must be made by the Friday before the camp week to be counted.
- No Refunds will be available on or after the day a camp week begins (including weekend before). Transferring into a future camp week instead may be considered, based on availability.
- In the event of cancellation of the full camp week due to an emergency shutdown (due to national, state, or local regulations), where the Munroe Center for the Arts is unable to provide a substitute or online option, a prorated refund/credit of 50% of the remaining days will be provided.
This camp complies with the regulations of the MDPH and is licensed by the Lexington Board of Health.
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